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Where Should I Wear My Perfume?

science of scent style


Head, shoulders, knees or toes - where exactly SHOULD you be wearing that signature scent? Sure, we all know that wrists and necks are favorite spots to apply a signature fragrance (Marilyn Monroe had the right idea!), but there are actually quite a few ways that you can enjoy your favorite perfume without being limited to your normal quick spritz and go routine.

Do you remember the first time you applied a fragrance to your skin and how you did it? Most likely you were told by an influential figure in your life, “this is how you do it” and you have done it that way ever since. But what is the science to where you apply and why?

First and foremost, you definitely want to spray your fragrance directly on your skin because heat enhances your fragrance. You see, your body heat helps push off the aromas, so you’ll want to apply your perfume in areas where you feel warmest (and also where you can feel your heartbeat!). These zones are also known as pulse points, and include areas like the inside of the wrist, behind your ears, inside your elbow, at the bottom of your throat, along your calves, on your ankles, or behind the knees. All of these spots are a great place to spritz or roll on your favorite fragrance.

When and how much to spray is a question we are often asked. Because your body is warm after a hot shower or bath, this is the perfect time to apply once you dried yourself off. In regards to how much, less is best. We recommend the 3-4 spray rule. Pick your favorite 3-4 pulse points and spray there. It is always better to spray less and more often than to overspray! No one wants to be “that person” in the elevator :-)

If you are looking for an added boost,in addition to pulse points, you can also apply your perfume to your hair, as the proteins in your hair will hold onto your scent and leave behind just the right amount of fragrance for others as you pass them by. Spritz directly onto the back of your hair or spray onto your hair brush lightly with your fragrance and give it a sweep through your style. Just be careful to not overdo it - most fragrances contain alcohol, which can dry out your lovely locks.

And of course, you can also spray your favorite eau de parfum on your little black dress or coziest cashmere sweater as you walk out the door to your next adventure. It will stay with you most of the day.

Where’s your favorite place to wear perfume?

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